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Mordomus iThink
after 2018 documentation
Wired hardware
iThink - G4 - Management Unit
iThink - Management Unit
WCPU – CPU Mordomus
iPCC – Communication Controller
iSND8 - 8 channel Surround sound module
iAC88 - 8ch ADC + 8 ch DAC
iDI32 - 32ch Digital Input
iDL64 - Interface compatible with DALI Bus
iKX3232 - Interface compatible with KNX TP1 Bus
iSLS8 - Interface compatible with Solius Thermostat 485 Bus
iLD88 - 8 ch dimmer + 8 ch digital input
iLED88 - 8 ch LED dimmer + 8 ch digital input
iLO88 - 8 ch ON/OFF + 8 ch digital input
iOC66 - 6 ch Potential free contacts + 6 ch digital inputs
iOCT41 - 4 Digital Inputs + 1 Open-Collector Output
iOW88 - 8 ch ON/OFF + 8 ch digital input
iPSB - Buffer with MdiBus distribution for 4 Branches
iRM8 - Relay ON/OFF Card for Lighting/ Sockets for iThink
iMeteo - Weather Sensor
iMS5 - Multi-Sensor
iMS6 - Multi-Sensor
iAQ51 - Air Quality Sensor
iTM1 - Interior Temperature Sensor
iTM3 - PT100 / PT1000 / DS18B20 Interface
iUD4 - 4 ch universal dimmer
Wi-Fi hardware
iWS4 - HD touch wall display
iWS2 - HD touch wall display + 2 switches
iSND1W - Mono Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Surround sound
iWL68 - Module open-collector ON/OFF Wi-Fi
iSND1SW – Stereo Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Surround sound
iAQ50W – Air Quality Sensor Wi-Fi
iOW22MW - 2 channel switch
iLED41w – Wi-Fi 4 channel Low voltage LED Dimmer + 1 digital input
iSF11 – Wi-Fi Wall Touch Switch
iSF22 – 2 channel Wi-Fi Wall Touch Switch
iSFTH1 - Wi-Fi 1 ch relay ON/OFF
iSF20 – Wi-Fi 2 ch relay ON/OFF
iSH11 - Wi-Fi 1 ch On/Off + 1 digital input
iSH11M - Wi-Fi On/Off with power meter + digital input
iSH22M – 2 ch Wi-Fi relay output with 2 ch power meter + 2 digital inputs
iOW22MW (version1) - 2 channel switch
Wireless hardware
iZ1DIN - Medidor
iZ2EM - Medidor de energia
iZDM21 - Dimmer inteligente de parede
iZOF11 - Módulo de comutação de relé único
iZOF22 - Módulo de comutação de parade duplo relé
iZOFC11 - Módulo de comutação com medidor
iZOFC22 - Módulo de comutação de parede duplo relé (1 via)
iZOFL - Tomada de dimmer inteligente Z-Wave
iZPLG1 - Interruptor de conexão de energia inteligente
iZPLG2 - Medidor de energia e interrupto
iZPLG3 - Power plug
iZRPT3 - Repetidor
iZSIR1 - Sirene de iom
iZSIRB - Barreira IV
iZSIRI1 - Sirene interior
iZSL 1/2/7 - Multisensor
iZSL 3/4/5 - Multisensor de Inundação
iZSL6 - Sensor Portas/Janelas
iZSPIR A/B/C/D - Sensor de Movimento
iZSPIRY - Detector de infravermelho
iZSSMK1 - Sensor de Fumo
iZTCT1 - Controlador de válvulas
iZWCS1 - Interruptor de parede
iZWCST1 - Interruptor Táctil
iZWIN1AC - Controlador de estores
Mordomus 1st Generation
before 2018 documentation
Wired hardware
BBF1Wd - Simple Bus Buffer
BBF4Wd - Bidirectional 4 Channels Bus Buffer
ENOWd - Gateway EnOcean
HBCOM - GSM Modem and CPU Supervision System
IN10Wd - 10 Digital Inputs
IN22Wd - 22 Digital Inputs
IN41Wd - 4 Digital inputs and 1 Open-Collector Output
IN4DWd - 4 Digital Inputs
IN5AWd - Analog Inputs
INV6Wd - Inverter potential - Free contacts
LD4Wd - Illumination Control 4 points
LD8Wd - Illumination Control 8 points
LED8Wd - LED Control
LP283W - Tactile LCD 2.8"
MDt1Wd - Temperature reading
MDt3Wd - PT 100 and PT 1000 Interface
Meteo – Weather Sensor
OF4Wd - On/OFF for Illumination and Plugs 4 points
OF8Wd – On/OFF for Illumination and Plugs 8 points
OUT4AWd – 4 Analog Outputs
OUT8AWd – 8 Analog Outputs
PCCWd – Communication Control
PCI64Wd – Pulse Reading
PIR MS – Multi Sensor
SND5Wd – Surrond Sound
UD4Wd – Illumination Control
WIN3Wd – Blinds/Curtains Electrical Control
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